Bid Management and Submission Support
We recognise that SMEs need different help at different stages along the road to becoming successful candidates for public sector tenders.
So Bid Pro Quo can:
- Form part of your in-house bid team
- Operate as an outsourced team
- Work on an ad-hoc basis, off bid
However, experience has shown that the earlier we are engaged in the bid management process, the more we can add value to your bid and the greater your chances of winning.
We prefer to work in partnership with SMEs, helping you develop the strategies you need - hand-holding through the early stages, reviewing the bids you win as well as the ones you don’t, and providing Training, Complementary Advice and Consultancy as you improve your skills and increase confidence and capacity over time.
You can choose to have us:
- Formulate a bid strategy
- Research the market and the competition
- Hands-on bid manage and co-ordinate your bid
- Write, edit and review your bid
If you’ve tried and failed to win public sector contracts in the past, why not try our one-hour Bid Buster pro bono red-pen review of a past bid, and we’ll help identify where you can improve your chances of success?